Is Sha-256 symmetric or asymmetric?

This article analyzes if SHA-256 hash algorithm is symmetric or asymmetric by comparing its properties against symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
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Is Sha-256 symmetric or asymmetric?


This article explores if SHA-256 is symmetric or asymmetric by reviewing its properties against shared and public key systems.

Cryptographic hash functions like SHA-256 play a vital role in securing data in modern computer systems and networks. But there is often confusion around whether popular hashing algorithms like SHA-256 are symmetric or asymmetric in nature. In this post, we will provide a clear answer to this question after reviewing the key properties and classifications of symmetric and asymmetric cryptosystems.


SHA-256 is one of the most widely used cryptographic hash functions today. It was designed by the NSA and published in 2001 as part of the SHA-2 family of hashes. Cryptographic hashes like SHA-256 enable protecting the integrity and authenticity of digital data by generating unique fixed-length fingerprints or digests of input messages.

But is SHA-256 a symmetric or asymmetric algorithm? While both symmetric and asymmetric cryptosystems utilize hash functions, hashes have their own classification and properties separate from shared-key or public-key encryption schemes. We will unpack the symmetries and asymmetries involved to reach a definitive conclusion.

Overview of Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptography

Let’s first understand the key characteristics of symmetric and asymmetric cryptosystems.

Symmetric-key cryptography relies on using the same secret key for both encryption and decryption. The sender encrypts a plaintext message using the key and algorithm, sends the ciphertext to the receiver, and the receiver decrypts the ciphertext back into plaintext using the same shared key. Examples of symmetric algorithms are AES, Blowfish, RC4, etc.

In contrast, asymmetric or public-key cryptography uses a pair of keys - a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption. The public key is made openly available while the private key is kept secret. A sender encrypts a message with the receiver’s public key, which only the receiver’s private key can decrypt. RSA and Diffie-Hellman are examples of asymmetric cryptosystems.

The main differences are:

  • Symmetric systems use the same key for encrypt/decrypt while asymmetric systems use different public and private keys.
  • Symmetric keys are shared while asymmetric keys ensure private key secrecy.
  • Symmetric algorithms are faster while asymmetric algorithms enable better key distribution and management.

Understanding SHA-256

SHA-256 is a cryptographic hash function that belongs to the SHA-2 family specified by NIST. It takes input messages of any length and generates a 256-bit hash value or digest as output. SHA-256 exhibits properties like:

  • One-way nature: It is practically infeasible to invert or recreate the input message from the hash output.
  • Deterministic: The same input always generates the same hash output.
  • Small changes to input lead to significant hash value differences.
  • Collision resistance: It is extremely difficult to find two different input values that produce the same hash output.

These make cryptographic hash functions like SHA-256 ideal for verifying data integrity and authenticity in applications like digital signatures, blockchain, password storage, etc. The fixed length hash value acts as the cryptographic fingerprint of potentially variable length input data.

Is SHA-256 a Symmetric Algorithm?

There are some factors that contribute to viewing SHA-256 as a symmetric algorithm:

  • It does not require a public/private key pair like asymmetric algorithms. The same SHA-256 hash function is used to generate digests irrespective of the party involved.
  • SHA-256 relies on iterated symmetric cryptographic primitives like logical bitwise operations, modular additions, etc. in its internal compression function.
  • The SHA-2 family was designed by NSA to provide a symmetric hash function alternative to the NSA-designed asymmetric SHA-1 function.

So in some ways, SHA-256 mirrors symmetries found in shared key encryption through its uniform structure and reliance on repeated symmetric sub-components. However, the key points of difference are:

  • There are no secret keys involved in SHA-256. The hash function itself is openly published.
  • It does not perform any kind of encryption or decryption function.

Therefore, while SHA-256 internally uses symmetric building blocks, it does not qualify as a symmetric encryption algorithm since it does not enable cipher generation using a shared secret key.

Is SHA-256 an Asymmetric Algorithm?

Some observations may point to SHA-256 being considered asymmetric:

  • It enables publicly verifying the integrity of data signed using a private key, similar to asymmetric digital signatures. Anyone can hash a message using SHA-256 and verify if the digest matches the signed value.
  • The digest cannot be used to recreate the input, similar to how asymmetric encryption conceals the plaintext.
  • Different inputs lead to completely different hash outputs, preventing collisions akin to asymmetric encryption.

However, SHA-256 lacks the fundamental property that defines asymmetric cryptography:

  • There are no key pairs involved. The same hash function is used uniformly by all parties, unlike separate public and private keys for different roles.

Using the hash for digital signature verification does not make the hash function itself asymmetric, since it merely provides the cryptographic fingerprint and not the means for private key-based signing. Hence, SHA-256 does not implement true asymmetry via separate public and private transforms.


To conclude - SHA-256 is neither a symmetric nor asymmetric cryptographic algorithm. Rather, it belongs to the separate category of cryptographic hash functions. While it exhibits some high-level symmetries and asymmetries internally, SHA-256 does not actually perform encryption/decryption or enable message concealment. It is best classified as a hash function having unique one-way properties tailored for data integrity verification across public networks and insecure channels.

This post clarified the distinctions between symmetric ciphers, asymmetric ciphers, and cryptographic hashes. We found that calling SHA-256 symmetric or asymmetric is inaccurate given its specific role as a hashing algorithm. I hope this helped elucidate the nature of SHA-256 and its place in modern cryptography! Let me know if you have any other related cryptography topics you would like me to cover.