What is SHA-256?

Learn about SHA-256, a secure hash algorithm used in cryptography, Bitcoin, and password storage. Understand its properties, advantages, and limitations.
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What is SHA-256?


Learn about SHA-256, its significance in cryptography, and its various applications in Bitcoin, password storage, and more. Understand its properties, advantages, limitations, and security considerations.

SHA-256 is one of the most widely used cryptographic hash functions today. In this blog post, we will take a deep dive into understanding what SHA-256 is, how it works, its applications, and more.


A cryptographic hash function like SHA-256 is an essential tool that converts an input into a fixed size string output. This output is a hash value that can provide a unique identifier for the original data. Hash functions have a wide range of uses in information security, including verifying integrity, authentication, and more.

SHA-256 is part of the SHA-2 family that was designed by the National Security Agency (NSA) as a successor to the SHA-1 algorithm. It generates a 256-bit hash value and is commonly used due to its high level of security and efficiency. In this blog, we will explore the working, implementation, security, and usage of SHA-256.

Overview of Hash Functions

A hash function takes an input of any size and produces a fixed size output. This output is commonly called a hash value, hash, or message digest.

Hash functions are one-way functions, meaning that it is practically infeasible to invert them and reconstruct the original input. This one-way property is vital for security applications.

Some ideal properties of cryptographic hash functions are:

  • Deterministic - Same input always gives the same hash output
  • Quick computation - Fast calculation of hash value
  • Preimage resistant - Hard to find the input for a given hash
  • Collision resistant - Difficult to find two inputs with the same hash

These properties allow hash functions like SHA-256 to provide data integrity, authentication, and other security capabilities.

Understanding SHA-256

SHA-256 stands for Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit. It was designed by the NSA and published in 2001 as part of the SHA-2 family.

The “256” indicates that it produces a 256-bit (32 bytes) hash value. This is typically represented as a hexadecimal number that is 64 digits long.

Some key points about SHA-256:

  • Designed for speed and efficiency in hardware and software.
  • Provides a high level of security against cryptographic attacks.
  • Widely used for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, digital signatures, password storage, and more.
  • Part of a U.S. government standard for secure hash algorithms.
  • Often used in combination with cryptographic keys and encryption algorithms.

SHA-256 is trusted worldwide for applications requiring strong data integrity assurances. Next, we look at how this hash algorithm actually works.

How SHA-256 Works

The SHA-256 algorithm follows these high-level steps to compute the hash:

  1. Padding - Pad the input message to be a multiple of 512 bits.

  2. Initialize Hash Values - Initialize the 8 hash values (h0 to h7) to fixed constants.

  3. Chunk Splitting - Break input into 512-bit chunks.

  4. Compression - Perform 64 rounds of hashing computation on each chunk.

  5. Concatenate - Combine the hashed chunk values into a 256-bit (32 byte) output.

The compression step is the core of SHA-256. It operates on the 512-bit message chunks using the Merkle–Damgård structure. Each chunk is broken into 16 x 32-bit words.

The chunk is processed in 64 rounds which use Boolean functions, bitwise operations, modular addition, and more. This scrambles the input over multiple iterations to produce the hash output.

The sequential hashing of chunks enables fast and efficient calculation of hashes for even large inputs.

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Properties of SHA-256

Some key properties and strengths of the SHA-256 algorithm are:

Collision Resistance - It is practically impossible to find two different inputs that produce the same 256-bit hash output. This protects against collisions which could compromise security.

Preimage Resistance - Given a SHA-256 hash, an attacker cannot find an input message that hashes to that value. This guards against preimage or reverse hash attacks.

Second Preimage Resistance - Even if the input message is known, it is hard to find a second input value that produces the same hash. This prevents tampering with signed messages.

Avalanche Effect - A small change in input flips around half the output bits on average. This amplifies small differences.

Efficiency - SHA-256 is optimized for fast computation in hardware and software implementations.

These qualities make SHA-256 highly reliable for security-critical applications that rely on unique hash values.

Advantages and Limitations of SHA-256

Some pros and cons of using the SHA-256 algorithm:


  • High-level security against cryptographic attacks like collisions.
  • Widely adopted standard and support across systems.
  • Very fast and efficient hashing capability.
  • Suitable for hashing passwords, messages, files, and more.


  • 256-bit hashes may be vulnerable to brute force attacks as computing power increases.
  • Not quantum resistant like some post-quantum algorithms.
  • Hashes are not reversible which makes matching a hash to data difficult.
  • Collisions can still occur but are very rare.

Longer hash lengths like SHA-512 may be recommended for highly sensitive data. But SHA-256 provides a robust level of security for most applications today.

Common Uses of SHA-256

Some major real-world applications of SHA-256 include:

  • Password Storage - Storing salted and hashed passwords to protect user authentication.

  • Blockchain - Hash-based signatures and consensus in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies.

  • Digital Signatures - Used in the digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) for signing and verifying messages.

  • Data Integrity - Compute hash checksums to identify if data or files have been tampered.

  • Version Control - Used in Git and Mercurial to differentiate file versions via commit hashes.

  • Random Number Generation - Seeding cryptographically secure random number generators (CSPRNGs).

SHA-256 is a versatile cryptographic tool used across many cybersecurity and authentication mechanisms today.

Security Considerations for SHA-256

While SHA-256 is highly secure, some aspects to consider as computing power grows:

  • Brute Force Attacks - Short hash lengths may allow guessing of inputs via brute force. Mitigate with salt and iterations.

  • Quantum Computing - Quantum computers could accelerate collision searches and break SHA-256. Move to post-quantum algorithms.

  • New Attack Vectors - Attacks only get better, so algorithms must also evolve. Keep updated on new cryptanalysis research.

  • Proper Implementation - Flaws in implementation, padding, salts can make any algorithm vulnerable. Follow best practices.

  • Supplementary Controls - SHA-256 provides integrity but should be combined with encryption, signatures, salts as needed.

Overall, SHA-256 still remains reliable against modern threats. But the landscape evolves rapidly, so staying vigilant is important.


SHA-256 has become a widely used cryptographic hash algorithm thanks to its security, speed, and standardization. It is suitable for generating unique identifiers and checksums for authentication, blockchain consensus methods, password storage, digital signatures, and plenty more.

While risks like brute force attacks exist, SHA-256 hashes provide sufficient protection against real-world threats with proper implementation. Going forward, it remains an ideal choice as a basic building block for many security applications and protocols.