How Long Would It Take to Crack SHA-256?

This article looks at the strength of the SHA-256 cryptographic hash function and estimates how long it would take to crack given current and future technology.
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How Long Would It Take to Crack SHA-256?


SHA-256 is an extremely robust cryptographic hash function used to secure sensitive data. This post examines factors affecting how long it would take to crack SHA-256 hashes using brute force attacks and the current state of its security.

SHA-256 is one of the most widely used cryptographic hash functions today, playing a crucial role in securing sensitive data and communications. But how long would it actually take to crack SHA-256 hashes and break its security? In this post, we’ll look at the strength of SHA-256, the factors that influence cracking time, the current state of affairs, and what the future may hold.

Understanding SHA-256

SHA-256 was designed by the NSA and published in 2001 as part of the SHA-2 family of algorithms. It takes an input message of any length and generates a 256-bit (32 byte) hash value. Even the smallest change in the input drastically changes the hash. This makes SHA-256 ideal for verifying data integrity and encrypting passwords.

The SHA-256 algorithm uses a series of logical operations on message blocks and hash values that undergo multiple rounds of processing. This complicated process transforms the initial data into a fixed-length fingerprint filled with apparent randomness. Reconstructing the original data from the hash is considered computationally infeasible.

Factors Affecting Cracking Time

Several key factors determine how long it would take to brute force crack SHA-256 hashes:

  • Computational power - Faster processors directly speed up hash cracking attempts. Specialized hardware like ASICs are optimized for hash calculations.

  • Brute force - Trying all possible combinations of inputs to find one that generates the target hash. Computing power determines brute force speed.

  • Rainbow tables - Precomputed tables of hash-input pairs reduce cracking time by avoiding real-time calculations. But large storage is required.

  • Input complexity - Longer and more complex input data exponentially increases the search space and cracking difficulty. Passphrases are stronger than passwords.

  • Salt - Random data added to inputs before hashing thwarts rainbow tables and massively amplifies brute force times by making each hash unique.

Advancements in computational power and new cryptanalysis techniques are key factors influencing the future crackability of SHA-256.

Current State of Cracking SHA-256

Given today’s hardware, cracking the SHA-256 hash of a simple password could take days up to thousands of years. Strong passwords hashed with salt may take longer than the age of the universe to brute force. For example:

  • An 8 character alphabetical password takes ~2 days to crack on a GPU rig.
  • A 10 character alphanumeric password takes ~centuries.
  • An 8 character fully randomized password hashed with a 128-bit salt would take longer than the universe has existed.

No real-world SHA-256 break has been publicly disclosed. Large organizations like the NSA are likely the only entities capable of cracking SHA-256 in limited cases where extreme computational power can be leveraged against weak passwords or improper salting. Quantum computing does not yet pose a real threat.

Future of Cracking SHA-256

Looking ahead, serious attempts to crack SHA-256 will require nation-state levels of resources. Some possibilities include:

  • Quantum computing - Large quantum computers may one day be able to break SHA-256, although this capability is still distant. Migration to quantum-resistant algorithms will be needed.

  • New cryptanalysis - Mathematical advances like the SHA-1 collision attack could uncover unknown weaknesses in SHA-256. No weaknesses are known yet.

  • Specialized hardware - ASICs and other custom hardware will continue exponentially gaining speed and efficiency for brute forcing hashes.

  • Improper use - User errors like poor password choices and not salting make hashes exponentially easier to crack regardless of SHA-256’s strength.

While the future may enable cracking of today’s SHA-256 hashes given enough resources, the algorithm itself is expected to remain strong for the foreseeable future if used properly.


SHA-256 provides extremely robust protection for sensitive data at our current technology levels. Properly salted and hashed passwords should remain beyond cracking capability for the coming years or decades. However, the continual advancement of computing power and cryptanalysis means we must remain vigilant for vulnerabilities in SHA-256 and eventually transition to new post-quantum algorithms. For now, SHA-256 remains one of our most trusted and relied upon cryptographic primitives in our data-driven world.