How Ripemd 160 is different from md5 and SHA 1?

This article compares the RIPEMD-160 cryptographic hash function to MD5 and SHA-1 in terms of speed, security, collision resistance, and suitable use cases.
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How Ripemd 160 is different from md5 and SHA 1?


RIPEMD-160 offers stronger security than MD5 and SHA-1 but at the cost of reduced speed. Its collision resistance makes RIPEMD-160 suitable for high-value applications like cryptocurrencies where conservative security is priority.


In the digital era, securing sensitive data is crucial. Cryptographic hash functions play a vital role in data security and integrity.

This article will compare three widely used hash functions - MD5, SHA-1 and RIPEMD-160. Understanding their differences allows proper selection for specific use cases.

What is MD5?

MD5 (Message Digest Algorithm 5) is a hash function published in 1992 producing a 128-bit hash value.

Key properties of MD5:

  • Fast computation compared to SHA-1
  • Prone to collision attacks
  • Deprecated for most cryptographic uses

MD5 is still sometimes used for:

  • Basic data integrity checking
  • Non-security related checksums
  • Fingerprinting large data

But MD5 is considered cryptographically broken and unsuitable for secure applications.

What is SHA-1?

SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1) was designed by the NSA and produces a 160-bit hash.

Key properties and uses of SHA-1:

  • Provides more security than MD5
  • Still widely used despite vulnerabilities
  • Used for version control, digitally signing documents etc.

Research has found weaknesses in SHA-1 making collisions possible. So migration to stronger algorithms is recommended.

What is RIPEMD-160?

RIPEMD-160 was published in 1996 as an improved, more secure alternative to 128-bit hashes like MD5.

Key properties and advantages of RIPEMD-160:

  • Digest size of 160 bits
  • Provides greater security against collisions
  • Open-source design without NSA involvement
  • Used in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum

RIPEMD-160 was designed conservatively for strong security guarantees.

Comparison of the Hash Functions

Here is how MD5, SHA-1 and RIPEMD-160 compare for some key metrics:


  • MD5 is the fastest
  • SHA-1 is moderately fast
  • RIPEMD-160 is the slowest

Collision resistance:

  • MD5 is completely broken
  • SHA-1 has demonstrated weaknesses
  • RIPEMD-160 has no known collisions

Security level:

  • MD5 is considered cryptographically broken
  • SHA-1 provides minimum security with some risks
  • RIPEMD-160 offers conservative and solid security margins

So in summary:

  • MD5 offers speed at the expense of security
  • SHA-1 balances moderate speed and security
  • RIPEMD-160 prioritizes strong security over speed


The optimal hash function depends on specific requirements. MD5 is suitable only for non-critical uses where security is unimportant. SHA-1 offers baseline security but collisions are a concern.

RIPEMD-160 provides conservative design margins at the cost of reduced speed. For high value data like cryptocurrency wallets, RIPEMD-160’s slower speeds are an acceptable trade-off for its robust security guarantees.

Understanding the differences between hash functions allows intelligent selection. Newer algorithms like SHA-3 now exist, but RIPEMD-160 remains a solid option for secure applications requiring long-term collision resistance.

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