What are CRC errors in a DSL connection?

What issues can CRC errors cause in DSL connections? This explores the causes and effects of CRC errors on connection stability and speed, with fixes.
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What are CRC errors in a DSL connection?


Understanding CRC errors in a DSL connection is crucial for diagnosing and resolving connection issues. Discover the causes, effects, and methods for minimizing CRC errors to maintain a stable DSL connection.

A stable and high-speed DSL internet connection is critical for consumers and businesses today. However, issues like CRC errors can degrade the reliability and performance of a DSL connection. This post provides an in-depth look at what CRC errors are, what causes them, how to detect them, and how to minimize their occurrence.

What are CRC Errors?

CRC or Cyclic Redundancy Check errors indicate corruption in the data transmission over a DSL connection. CRCs are commonly used to verify the integrity of data transferred from the DSL provider to the customer’s modem/router.

During transmission, a CRC checksum is calculated and appended to each data packet. The receiving modem computes the CRC again and compares it to the transmitted CRC. If they differ, the modem discards the faulty packet and requests retransmission. This discrepancy indicates a CRC error.

A small number of CRC errors is normal. But frequent errors point to problems in the line quality or hardware. Tracking CRC errors helps diagnose connection instability issues.

Causes of CRC Errors

There are several potential factors that can create CRC errors:

  • Low-quality or damaged cables - Imperfect cabling results in signal degradation and data corruption. Damaged cables especially increase noise and interference.

  • Signal interference - Nearby electrical devices like motors, microwaves etc. can cause electromagnetic interference on the DSL line. This leads to data errors.

  • Line noise - Sources like lightning strikes, power surges, faulty wiring etc. introduce noise that corrupts the signal.

  • Outdated modem/routers - Old modem firmware or hardware incompatibilities also raise CRC errors.

  • Network congestion - Heavy traffic loads can overwhelm the connection and contribute to data corruption.

Proper diagnosis of the root cause is needed to address CRC errors effectively.

Effects of CRC Errors

Frequent CRC errors negatively impact the user experience in several ways:

  • Lower speeds - Higher retransmission reduces effective bandwidth available to customers. Speeds appear slower as throughput drops.

  • Increased latency - More retransmissions also lead to lags and delays in web browsing and transfers. Real-time services deteriorate.

  • Service disruptions - Excessive errors can periodically disconnect the link until issues are fixed. This leads to intermittent connections.

  • Poor call quality - For VoIP calls, CRC errors cause choppy voice, static, and even call drops. Video streaming also suffers.

Overall, CRC errors directly translate to an unreliable and unsatisfactory DSL service.

Detecting CRC Errors

You can check CRC error counts through:

  • Modem/Router admin interface - Most devices provide status pages indicating CRC errors over various time periods. This is the easiest way.

  • Diagnostic software - Apps like PingPlotter graphically plot CRC errors. They help pinpoint if the issue is neighborhood cable damage versus inside wiring.

  • ISP support - For chronic long-term errors your provider can run remote diagnostics to locate the problem area and suggest fixes.

Tracking errors for correlation with slowdowns or outages gives the best insight.

Minimizing CRC Errors

To reduce CRC error occurrences:

  • Replace old cables with high-quality shielded twisted pair wiring to prevent interference.

  • Position modems and wireless routers away from appliances to limit signal distortion.

  • Use surge protectors and proper electrical grounding to minimize power spikes.

  • Regularly update firmware and drivers to the latest stable versions.

  • Set up QoS to prevent bandwidth congestion and data overloads.

  • Work with ISP tech support to rectify neighborhood or infrastructure issues.

With diligent monitoring and prevention, CRC errors can be minimized for stable DSL performance.


CRC errors indicate data corruption issues with DSL connections. Identifying the sources of these errors and taking steps to reduce their occurrence is crucial for maintaining optimal internet reliability and speed. Paying attention to CRC errors provides an early warning for connection problems before they severely impact your experience.