What is SHA-3? How Does SHA-3 Work?

Explains the SHA-3 hash algorithm - how it works via sponge construction, its security benefits over SHA-2, and applications in data hashing and cryptography.
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What is SHA-3? How Does SHA-3 Work?


SHA-3 is the latest secure hash algorithm standard from NIST, designed to be resilient against attacks through its sponge construction. It provides stronger security guarantees than SHA-2 and is ideal for hashing in cryptography applications.

Introduction to SHA-3

SHA-3 stands for Secure Hash Algorithm 3. It is the latest member of the SHA hash function family released by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) in 2015. SHA-3 serves as a robust cryptographic hash algorithm for data integrity and security applications.

Understanding the Purpose of SHA-3

Previous SHA algorithms like SHA-1 and SHA-2 possess some potential vulnerabilities that concerned security experts. So NIST initiated a public competition to develop a next-generation hash algorithm that is highly secure against new attacks.

SHA-3 was designed by cryptography researchers to be resilient against current and future cyber threats. It aims to provide stronger security guarantees than existing hashes.

Explaining the Working Principle of SHA-3

SHA-3 utilizes a sponge construction instead of the Merkle–Damgård construction used in SHA-2. This provides improved resistance against collision attacks and preimage attacks.

The sponge construction absorbs input data into a state array which gets mixed via permutation operations. The state is then squeezed to extract the desired hash output. Padding enhances security.

SHA-3’s sponge-based design makes finding collisions and preimages practically infeasible even with quantum attacks.

Step-by-Step Process of SHA-3

SHA-3 involves four key phases:

Initialization Phase

  • The internal state array and round constants are initialized.

Absorption Phase

  • The message input is padded.
  • Padded message is parsed into fixed length blocks.
  • Each block is XORed into the state array.
  • State array is transformed via permutation function.

Squeezing Phase

  • Completed absorption, output squeezing starts.
  • Parts of state array are extracted and concatenated as hash output.

Finalization Phase

  • Output is truncated if needed.
  • Output formatted appropriately.

This sponge construction makes SHA-3 very secure.

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Benefits and Applications of SHA-3

Key advantages of SHA-3 include:

  • Excellent security against cryptanalytic attacks.
  • Higher resilience to quantum computing attacks.
  • Flexible output lengths.
  • High performance in software implementations.

SHA-3 is suitable for:

  • Data integrity verification
  • Digital signatures
  • Password hashing
  • Blockchain and cryptocurrencies
  • Any application requiring secure hashing

Comparing SHA-3 with SHA-2

SHA-3 differs from SHA-2 in its internal structure and design philosophy:

  • SHA-3 uses sponge construction vs Merkle-Damgard in SHA-2.
  • SHA-3 relies on permutations rather than cryptographic primitives like SHA-2.
  • SHA-3 has higher immunity to length extension attacks.
  • SHA-3 offers greater flexibility in output sizes.

Both are secure, but SHA-3 is considered the safer choice for new applications demanding long-term collision resistance.

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In summary, SHA-3 is the latest advancement in secure hash algorithms. It possesses excellent security against current and future attacks through its innovative sponge-based design. SHA-3 is an optimal choice where strong cryptographic hashing is required for data integrity and security.