How are Cryptographic Hash Functions Developed?

Explaining the step-by-step process followed by cryptographers to design secure and efficient cryptographic hash functions.
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How are Cryptographic Hash Functions Developed?


This post walks through the typical development workflow for creating cryptographic hash functions. It covers requirements analysis, mathematical design, implementation, testing, peer review, and standardization phases involved in building robust hash functions like SHA-256.

Cryptographic hash functions are essential tools used extensively in cybersecurity applications like digital signatures, data integrity checks, and password storage. But how are these complex hash functions designed and developed? In this post, we will take a look at the step-by-step process followed by cryptographers to create secure and efficient cryptographic hash functions.


A cryptographic hash function takes an input message of arbitrary length and converts it into a fixed length hash value in a one-way process. This hash output acts like a unique fingerprint of the input. Cryptographic hash functions are designed to be collision-resistant, meaning it is difficult to find two inputs having the same hash.

The development of cryptographic hash functions requires extensive expertise in fields like number theory, complexity theory and cryptography. Let’s understand the typical workflow in creating a new hash function.

Overview of Cryptographic Hash Functions

Before looking at the development process, let’s briefly recap what hash functions are used for in cryptography:

  • Provide integrity checks to identify changes to data.
  • Generate digital fingerprints and signatures for authentication.
  • Derive encryption keys in key derivation functions.
  • Securely store passwords and credentials.

These applications require hash functions to be secure one-way functions with collision resistance.

Development Process of Cryptographic Hash Functions

The key phases in developing a cryptographic hash function are:

Step 1: Identifying Requirements and Goals

The first step is aligning on the security and performance requirements like:

  • Required hash output size.
  • Expected collision resistance against attacks.
  • Target speed and efficiency on hardware.
  • Compatibility with applications and protocols.

Step 2: Designing the Hash Function

Next, the mathematical structure and algorithms underlying the hash function are designed:

  • Selecting the basic mathematical operations like modular addition, bitwise operations etc.
  • Determining the number of internal states and rounds of processing.
  • Defining compression and finalization functions.

Step 3: Implementation and Testing

The hash function is then coded into software and rigorously tested:

  • Implementing the algorithms and components in a programming language.
  • Testing on different platforms and validating hash outputs.
  • Checking for correctness and collision weaknesses.

Step 4: Peer Review and Analysis

The designed hash function undergoes expert peer review:

  • Cryptographers analyze the function for vulnerabilities.
  • Feedback is incorporated into iterative improvements.
  • Modelling and simulation used to study collision resistance.

Step 5: Standardization and Public Scrutiny

Finally, the hash function is published for standardization and public review:

  • Submit to standards like FIPS for certification.
  • Disclosure allows worldwide crypto community to analyze it.
  • Flaws discovered lead to further enhancements.

Common Cryptographic Hash Functions

Let’s look at the development history of some widely used cryptographic hash functions:


Developed in 1991 by Ronald Rivest, MD5 was designed as an improvement over prior MD4 algorithm. It was extensively used in the 1990s and 2000s before collision attacks demonstrated weaknesses.


SHA-1 was published in 1995 by the NSA as part of the Secure Hash Algorithm family. It was widely adopted but starting from the 2010s, theoretical vulnerabilities prompted a move to successors like SHA-256.


Published in 2001, SHA-256 was designed by the NSA to overcome vulnerabilities in SHA-1. It provides 256-bit hashes and remains a popular choice due to its robust security.

Challenges and Future Developments

Some key challenges and areas for innovation in cryptographic hash functions:

  • Ever-increasing computing power necessitates development of stronger hash functions using algorithms like sponge functions.
  • Emergence of quantum computing may undermine the collision resistance of current functions.
  • Research into hash functions optimized for new platforms like GPUs and mobile devices.


Designing secure cryptographic hash functions requires tremendous mathematical skills and interdisciplinary knowledge. By understanding the step-by-step development process, we gain appreciation into the complexity behind the seamless hash functions used in our day-to-day applications. Advances in hash functions research will continue being vital for staying ahead of emerging threats and technologies.