How many characters are produced for each hash?

This article explains how hash functions like MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 produce hashes with fixed number of characters based on their bit lengths.
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How many characters are produced for each hash?


Hash functions like MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256 produce fixed length outputs in bits leading to set character counts when encoded as hex strings. Longer hashes tend to be more secure.


In cryptography, a hash function takes an input of any length and generates a hashed value of fixed length. The number of characters in the resulting hash is an important factor impacting the cryptographic strength and security of the algorithm. This article will provide an overview of popular hash functions, explain how hash length is determined, and compare the character counts of different hash algorithms.

Understanding Hash Functions

Hash functions are essential components of modern cryptography. Some common examples include:

  • MD5 - Produces a 128-bit hash
  • SHA-1 - Generates a 160-bit hash
  • SHA-256 - Outputs a 256-bit hash

These algorithms use computational methods to map arbitrary data into short hashed values of fixed length. Minor changes in input lead to drastic changes in the hashed output.

Hash Length and Character Count

The length of a hash value is measured in bits. It depends on the design of the hashing algorithm. For example:

  • MD5 always outputs 128 bits regardless of input size.

  • SHA-256 consistently generates a 256-bit hash.

When represented as strings, the number of characters in a hash depends on the encoding used. The most common encoding is hexadecimal using 0-9 and A-F.

  • For a 128-bit MD5 hash, the hex string will contain 32 characters.

  • A 160-bit SHA-1 hash is encoded as 40 hexadecimal characters.

  • SHA-256 produces a hex string of 64 characters.

Longer hashes tend to offer better security, but require more computing resources.

Examples of Hash Lengths and Character Counts

MD5 Hash

The MD5 algorithm produces a 128-bit hash. Encoded in hexadecimal, this results in a hash value of exactly 32 characters comprising the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

For example, an MD5 hash may look like: 8d465c7c0d65d9ee6f7c658340c8c668

SHA-1 Hash

SHA-1 generates a 160-bit hash. When encoded in hexadecimal, this leads to a hash value of 40 characters using the same digits and letters 0-9, A-F.

A sample SHA-1 hash is: 8ad704231b50c5121fb427c1ab9a0e74277b73d2

SHA-256 Hash

SHA-256 being 256-bits in length, produces a hexadecimal encoded hash value of 64 characters drawn from the pool of 16 possible digits and letters.

An example SHA-256 hash: a605964b68ca0c9a2e5d6d60bad205e50da78691d7821137df82d33affde577e

Comparing Hash Lengths and Character Counts

  • MD5’s short 128-bit hashes are quick to compute but prone to collisions.

  • SHA-1’s 160-bit output offers better security than MD5, but is also showing vulnerabilities.

  • SHA-256’s longer 256-bit hash provides strong protection against brute force attacks.

In general, hashes with higher character counts have lower chances of collisions and offer stronger cryptographic security.


Hash functions produce fixed lengthoutputs quantified in bits, which translate to specific character counts when encoded as hexadecimal strings. While the input can be infinitely large, the hash length limits the number of possible hashes. Longer hashes minimize collisions hence are more secure, but require more computing power. Appropriate hash lengths should be chosen based on the security needs and performance requirements of the application.