How would you write your own hashing algorithm?

Steps and key considerations covered in depth for writing your own hashing algorithm to create a custom hash function, aiming to fully explain the process.
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How would you write your own hashing algorithm?


This article explores the key components and implementation steps involved in creating your own hashing algorithm for data fingerprinting and security.

Hashing algorithms play a pivotal role in many areas of computer science and cybersecurity. But have you ever wondered what exactly goes into designing your own hash function? In this post, we will explore the key steps involved in creating a custom hashing algorithm.

Understanding hashing algorithms

A hashing algorithm is a function that converts data of arbitrary size into a fixed-size value called a hash. Hashing is used for:

  • Generating identifiers and fingerprints for data
  • Enabling quick lookups in hash tables
  • Securely storing passwords, files, and documents
  • Message integrity checks and digital signatures

The goal is to efficiently map large inputs to small hashes while minimizing collisions where different inputs produce the same hash.

Key components of a hashing algorithm

Here are the core pieces you need to define when creating a hash algorithm:

  • Input data - What kind of data can be provided as input? Text, binary files, images, etc.

  • Hash function - The mathematical steps to convert the input into a hash. This is the most crucial part.

  • Collision resolution - The method to handle two different inputs mapping to the same hash. Common approaches include linked lists and double hashing.

Designing your own algorithm

When conceptualizing your own hashing algorithm, here are some key considerations:

  • Research existing algorithms like MD5, SHA-2, BLAKE2 to understand common design approaches and hash functions.

  • Choose a hash function that offers a good tradeoff between complexity, security, and performance based on your needs.

  • Select a collision resolution approach like chaining or cuckoo hashing based on storage limitations.

  • Determine the desired properties - speed, cryptographic security, simplicity, etc.

Implementing the algorithm

Once you finalize the design, the next step is coding the hashing algorithm:

  • Pick a language like C, C++, Rust etc. suited for low-level performance.

  • Implement the hash function logic including pre-processing, compression, modular arithmetic operations etc.

  • Incorporate the collision handling technique using linked lists, arrays etc.

  • Write tests to validate correctness on different input types and hash matching.

For example, here is some sample Psuedocode for a basic hash algorithm:

 3  bytes = convert_to_bytes(input)
 5  // Apply pre-processing
 7  bytes = pad(bytes)
 9  bytes = break_into_blocks(bytes)
12  // Hash computation
14  for block in bytes:
16    block = shift_bits(block)
18    block = XOR(block, magic_number)
20  hashed_bytes = concatenate_blocks(bytes)
23  // Generate hash
25  hash = convert_to_hex(hashed_bytes)
27  return hash

The actual code will be more complex with multiple rounds of mixing, substitutions, modular math etc.

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Ensuring security

Once the algorithm is implemented, evaluate its security and reliability:

  • Test resistance against collision, pre-image and other common attacks.

  • Add salt, keys or iterations to strengthen against brute force.

  • Have your algorithm reviewed by experts to uncover weaknesses.

  • Monitor new crypto-analysis and update your algorithm as needed.


Creating a robust hashing algorithm requires knowledge of cryptography, data structures, algorithms and software engineering. While challenging, implementing your own hash function from scratch enables you to deeply understand the inner workings of these invaluable tools. The skills gained can further your expertise in building secure systems.

Experimenting with different designs also allows creating customized hashing tailored for specific use cases. Overall, being able to craft your own hashing algorithm is an enlightening endeavor for any computer scientist or security professional.