What is a brute force attack on a cryptographic hash function?

This article explains brute force attacks on cryptographic hashes - how they work, associated risks, prevention measures, and real-world examples.
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What is a brute force attack on a cryptographic hash function?


Brute force attacks work by systematically trying all inputs to a hash until the one that generates the target hash is found.


Cryptographic hash functions are essential tools used to secure sensitive data. They take an input and generate a fixed size hash value. Hash functions enable verifying integrity, detecting tampering and securing passwords.

However, like any security mechanism, hash algorithms are also prone to certain types of attacks. One such attack is the brute force attack where an adversary tries guessing all possible inputs to crack the hash. This post will explain what brute force attacks are, how they work, associated risks, and measures to prevent them.

Understanding Brute Force Attacks§

A brute force attack involves systematically iterating through all possible combinations of inputs until the correct one is found. The goal is to determine the original data that generated a given hash digest.

For password hashing, this means trying every potential password combination to find the one that produces the target password hash. Brute force attacks rely on repeatedly making guesses and checking if the output matches.

With sufficient computing power and time, brute force attacks are guaranteed to succeed eventually. The aim is to minimize the amount of time needed through efficient implementations.

How Brute Force Attacks Work§

Here are the steps involved in a brute force attack on a cryptographic hash function:

  1. Obtain the target hash that needs to be cracked. This may be acquired by breaching an account database.

  2. Generate all possible combinations of inputs. For passwords, this would mean strings formed using letters, numbers and symbols.

  3. Hash each input using the cryptographic algorithm, like SHA-256.

  4. Compare the freshly generated hash to the target hash.

  5. If no match, the input combination is incorrect. Repeat steps 2-4 with a new input.

  6. The correct original input is found once its freshly hashed value equals the target hash.

This straightforward yet computationally intensive approach works by trying every combination imaginable until the right one unlocks the target hash.

Risks and Implications of Brute Force Attacks§

Successful brute force attacks on cryptographic hashes can completely compromise security:

  • Breached password hashes can reveal users’ actual passwords. This leads to unauthorized account access.

  • If hashes are used to verify file authenticity, an attacker can replace contents while keeping hashes intact.

  • Brute forcing cryptographic keys protects communications and data encryption.

  • It consumes vast amounts of computing power and slows down affected systems.

Overall, brute forcing breaks the security properties of cryptographic hashes and can lead to serious consequences.

Preventing Brute Force Attacks on Cryptographic Hash Functions§

Here are some countermeasures against brute force attacks on hash functions:

  • Enforce strong password policies requiring longer and more complex passphrases that are harder to guess.

  • Implement account lockout policies to block login after a certain number of failed attempts.

  • Employ salting and key stretching techniques that increase computation time for each guess.

  • Use multi-factor authentication instead of relying solely on passwords.

  • Monitor systems for spikes in computing activity indicating a brute force attack.

  • Employ memory-hard hash functions like Argon2 that are optimized against brute forcing.

Examples of Cryptographic Hash Function Vulnerabilities§

There are several real-world instances of successful brute force attacks abusing weaknesses in hash algorithms:

  • Accessing unsalted MD5 password hashes to reveal passwords at a large scale.

  • Collisions found in weakened SHA-1 hashes used for digital certificates, allowing impersonation.

  • Bitcoin miners brute forcing hashes to generate valid blocks and earn rewards.

These examples showcase why designing hash functions resilient against brute force attacks is critical.


Brute force attacks work by methodically guessing all possible inputs to a hash function until the correct one is found. Though simple in principle, they can completely compromise security of systems relying on cryptographic hashes.

Proper safeguards need to be implemented including stronger passwords, multi-factor authentication, salting and slowing down hash computation. As computing power increases, the importance of developing brute force resistant hash algorithms also grows. Staying up-to-date on emerging security practices is key to effectively protecting sensitive data.

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