What is a Hash Function?

This article explains hash functions, their working, applications and input-output in simple terms, helping readers grasp this core concept.
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What is a Hash Function?


Discover the concept of hash functions and their significance in computer science and cryptography. Explore their working, common uses, input types, and output properties.

Hash functions are an essential concept in computer science and cybersecurity. But what exactly is a hash function, what does it do, and what goes into it and comes out of it? This post provides an easy explanation of hash functions, their inner workings, usage, input, and output.


A hash function is a mathematical algorithm that maps data of arbitrary size to a fixed-size value called a hash. It takes an input and generates a representative output fingerprint of that input.

Hash functions play a key role in:

  • Database indexing and retrieval
  • Data integrity checks
  • Password storage and verification
  • Digital signatures and blockchain
  • And more…

How Does a Hash Function Work?

The general process of hashing involves:

  • Taking input data like a string, file, etc.

  • Applying a hashing algorithm consisting of bit operations, modular math, substitutions, permutations etc.

  • Generating a fixed-length hash value that identifies the input uniquely.

This hash acts like a fingerprint or signature of the original data. Even a slight change in the input drastically alters the hash.

Common hash algorithms include MD5, SHA-2, BLAKE2, etc. Each uses different mathematical operations for mapping inputs to hash outputs.

Uses of Hash Functions

Some major practical applications of hash functions include:

  • Data Indexing - Hashes allow fast lookups and retrieval from hash tables and databases.

  • Password Storage - Storing password hashes instead of plain passwords improves security.

  • Data Integrity - Comparing file or data hashes verifies integrity and detects tampering.

  • Digital Signatures - Hashes enable signing and verifying digital documents and transactions.

  • Message Authentication Codes - Attaching hash-based MACs authenticates messages.

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Input to a Hash Function

Hash functions are designed to take arbitrary input data including:

  • Text strings
  • Numeric values
  • Binary data like files, images etc.
  • Network packets
  • Any digital data

The input can be of any length - from a few bits to terabytes. The same hash algorithm can hash different types of inputs.

For example, a hash function can hash both a simple string like “Hello” and a large video file to output fixed-size hashes for each.

Output of a Hash Function

The output hash has these key properties:

  • Fixed length - Hashes are a fixed size irrespective of input size. Commonly 128-bits, 256-bits etc.

  • Unique - Different inputs should yield completely unique hashes. Though collisions are possible.

  • One-way - The hash cannot be reversed to find the input.

  • Deterministic - Same input always gives the same hash.

  • Diffusion - Small changes in input cause drastic changes in output.

  • Uniform distribution - Outputs appear random and evenly distributed.

These attributes make hashes well-suited for security and data retrieval applications.


Hash functions are indispensable primitives in today’s digital systems. Their ability to map inputs to unique fixed-size fingerprints enables a wide range of uses like efficient lookups, data integrity, and authentication. Understanding how hash functions work - their input, output, properties, and applications provides great insight into their pivotal role in computing and cybersecurity.