What is SHA-256, SHA2, and why is it used?

Learn about SHA-256, SHA2, their importance, and why they are used in cryptography. Explore their key features, advantages, and applications.
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What is SHA-256, SHA2, and why is it used?


Discover the significance of SHA-256 and SHA2 in cryptography. Explore their features, advantages, and applications in ensuring data integrity and security.

Cryptographic hash functions like SHA-256 and SHA2 play a vital role in securing data in applications ranging from software updates to cryptocurrencies. In this post, we’ll demystify what these algorithms are, how they work, and why SHA-256 has become so ubiquitous for verifying integrity.


SHA-256 and SHA2 refer to cryptographic hash algorithms used to convert data into a fixed-length signature that is unique to the input. These hashes help ensure data authenticity and integrity across systems.

SHA-256 is one of the most common SHA2 variants used today due to its high security and performance. Understanding what SHA-256 hashes represent and how they protect systems can highlight the importance of cryptographic checksums.

What is SHA-256?

SHA-256 is a cryptographic hashing algorithm developed by the NSA as part of the SHA2 family. It generates a 256-bit (32 byte) hash value that represents the fingerprint of any arbitrary data input.

Some key attributes of SHA-256:

  • Produces a unique fixed-size 256-bit hash even for varying length inputs.

  • Extremely small chance of collisions where two different inputs have the same hash.

  • Any change in the input results in an entirely different hash.

  • Infeasible to reverse the hashing process to recover the original data.

  • Designed to be very fast to compute even for large amounts of data.

These make SHA-256 ideal for verifying data integrity and authenticity in systems.

Understanding SHA2

SHA2 is a set of cryptographic hash functions defined in FIPS 180-4 that includes algorithms like SHA-256, SHA-512, SHA-224 etc.

All SHA2 variants produce hashes ranging from 224 to 512 bits depending on the version. Common ones include:

  • SHA-256 - The most widely used SHA2 hash generating a 256-bit digest. Offers robust security and performance.

  • SHA-512 - Produces a larger 512-bit hash with added resistance to collisions. It is slower than SHA-256.

  • SHA-224 - A truncated version of SHA-256 with a 224-bit hash. It has similar security but higher performance.

Compared to prior SHA1 hashes, SHA2 algorithms use larger digest sizes and innovative design changes to improve security and collision resistance.

Why is SHA-256 Used?

SHA-256 sees widespread use today in cryptographic implementations like:

Data Integrity - Software updates, forensic data, backups etc. are verified using SHA-256 hashes to ensure validity and prevent tampering.

Digital Signatures - The hash of a message can be encrypted to create a signature verifying the sender’s identity. SHA-256 is commonly used here.

User Credentials - Passwords and other sensitive credentials are salted and hashed using algorithms like SHA-256 before secure storage.

Blockchain - Transactions are chained together by hashes to maintain an immutable ledger. Bitcoin and other coins use SHA-256.

Random Number Generation - The robust one-way nature of SHA-256 makes it suitable for generating random bits.

SHA-256 is so ubiquitous because it offers the right balance of speed, security, and ease of implementation needed for diverse applications.

Common Myths and Misconceptions

There are some common misconceptions about what cryptographic hashes can and cannot do. Let’s clarify them:

  • Hashes like SHA-256 do not encrypt data. They are one-way functions that cannot securely hide plaintext. Encryption is needed to complement hashing for storing confidential data.

  • Hash collisions are rare but possible. No hash algorithm is perfectly collision-resistant. Proper key sizes minimize this risk.

  • Reversing hashes without the original input (pre-image attack) is considered practically impossible barring weaknesses in specific implementations.

  • However, finding two inputs with the same hash value (collision attack) is more feasible requiring only O(2^128) complexity for SHA-256.

  • Rainbow table attacks can crack hashed passwords quickly unless individually salted. Proper salting is a must alongside hashing.

So while extremely resilient, hash algorithms have limitations and need to be combined with additional measures like encryption and salting to fully protect sensitive data.


SHA-256 has cemented itself as one of the most widely used cryptographic hash functions today thanks to its balance of speed and security. It powers integrity verification across many of the systems and data we depend on daily.

Used properly, SHA-256 and related SHA2 algorithms enable several important security applications like blockchain ledgers, trusted software distribution, credential storage, and digital certificates.

However, hashing alone isn’t sufficient for full protection. Combining hashing intelligently with encryption, salting, and other defenses is needed to minimize risks as far as possible.

With robust algorithms like SHA-256, we can efficiently prove data integrity at scale while keeping confidential information secure. Hashes have become the digital fingerprints safeguarding much of the digital infrastructure, transactions and communications that we rely on.