What is the difference between SHA-256 and Scrypt?

This article compares SHA-256 and Scrypt cryptographic hashes, analyzing differences in speed, security, computational complexity and suitable use cases.
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What is the difference between SHA-256 and Scrypt?


This article explores the key differences between SHA-256 and Scrypt hash algorithms in terms of design, security, complexity and ideal use cases.

Cryptographic hash functions are essential primitives that enable many aspects of information security today. SHA-256 and Scrypt are two widely used hash algorithms, but they differ in their design and applications. In this post, we’ll explore the key differences between SHA-256 and Scrypt.


Hash algorithms like SHA-256 and Scrypt play a vital role in cryptography and cybersecurity. Though both are used for deriving fixed-length digests from arbitrary data, SHA-256 and Scrypt have distinct characteristics making them suitable for different use cases.

SHA-256 is an industry-standard cryptographic hash function that finds widespread use in blockchain, digital signatures and data integrity verification. In contrast, Scrypt is a more modern algorithm tailored for password hashing and key derivation.

Understanding the contrasts between SHA-256 and Scrypt allows selecting the appropriate tool for specific security requirements.

Overview of SHA-256

SHA-256 or Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit is a hash function defined as part of the SHA-2 family in FIPS 180-4. It takes an input of any length and generates a 256-bit hash digest.

Key properties of SHA-256 include:

  • Extremely low probability of collisions
  • High avalanche effect – small changes in input flip output bits
  • One-way nature – infeasible to invert hash back to input
  • Deterministic – same input always produces same hash

These make SHA-256 highly reliable for applications like:

  • Bitcoin and blockchain – transaction integrity
  • Digital signatures – message authentication
  • Data integrity verification
  • Password hashes (less suitable than Scrypt)

Overview of Scrypt

Scrypt is a password-based key derivation function designed by Colin Percival in 2009. It generates a fixed-length key from variable length passwords using:

  • Password salting – unique salts for each password
  • Memory-hard hashing – tunable memory and computational cost
  • Parallelization resistance – serialized processing

Features like tunable memory hardness makes Scrypt resistant to brute force attacks and optimized hardware implementations. This makes it preferable over SHA-256 for password hashing and key derivation.

Differences Between SHA-256 and Scrypt

While both SHA-256 and Scrypt are hash algorithms, some key differences are:

  • Speed: SHA-256 is significantly faster than Scrypt as Scrypt is intentionally designed to be CPU and memory intensive.
  • Memory usage: Scrypt’s memory hardness uses orders of magnitude more memory than SHA-256.
  • Parallelization: SHA-256 can leverage parallel processing and GPUs for faster hashing unlike Scrypt.
  • Security: Scrypt’s memory hardness and serial steps offers better brute force resistance than SHA-256.
  • Use cases: SHA-256 is preferred for generic hashing while Scrypt is tailored for passwords.
  • Structure: SHA-256 uses iterative compression while Scrypt utilizes PBKDF2 and memory-hard looping.

Performance Comparison

The tunable cost factors in Scrypt result in a time-memory tradeoff that impacts its speed but enhances security. Benchmark tests show SHA-256 performs up to thousands of times faster than Scrypt depending on configured parameters.

Security Comparison

Scrypt’s combination of memory hardness and serialized processing makes it several orders of magnitude more resistant to brute force attacks than SHA-256. This makes it more suitable for password hashing use cases.

Suitable Applications

The following outlines suitable use cases for SHA-256 vs Scrypt based on their properties:


  • Blockchain and cryptocurrencies
  • Digital signatures and data integrity
  • Generic cryptographic hashing


  • Password based authentication
  • Password storage and verification
  • Cryptocurrency wallet encryption
  • Key derivation and PBDKFs


In summary, the key differences between SHA-256 and Scrypt are:

  • SHA-256 provides fast generic hashing while Scrypt is optimized for password uses.
  • Scrypt offers significantly higher brute force attack resistance compared to SHA-256.
  • SHA-256 is well-suited for blockchain, digital signatures and data integrity needs.
  • Scrypt is designed to be computationally intensive for password hashing security.

Understanding the strengths of each algorithm allows applying them appropriately, whether it is for general cryptographic hashing via SHA-256 or enhanced password-based key derivation through Scrypt. Their unique characteristics make them both important security primitives for specific modern-day needs.