What's the difference between SHA and AES encryption?

Compares SHA and AES encryption algorithms, highlighting key differences in their purpose, design, outputs and strengths for hashing versus encryption.
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What's the difference between SHA and AES encryption?


This article outlines the core differences between SHA hash functions and AES symmetric ciphers for hashing versus encryption.

In the world of modern cryptography, SHA and AES are two of the most widely used encryption algorithms. But they serve different purposes and have distinct designs. In this article, we will explore the key differences between SHA and AES to understand when each one is the appropriate choice.


Encryption is essential for securing sensitive data and communications in today’s digital landscape. The two main classes of encryption algorithms are symmetric key algorithms like AES and cryptographic hash functions like SHA.

SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) and AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) are both popular and widely used cryptographic standards. But they work in fundamentally different ways. Understanding the contrasts between hashing with SHA and symmetric encryption using AES allows selecting the right tool for specific security needs.

Overview of SHA Encryption

SHA or Secure Hash Algorithm refers to a family of cryptographic hashing functions defined by NIST. The three main variants are:

The purpose of SHA algorithms is to take an input and generate a unique fixed-size hash value. Hashing is a one-way function, where the hash cannot be reversed to the original input.

Key attributes of SHA functions include:

  • Variable length input and fixed length output
  • Extremely low probability of collisions
  • One-way nature - cannot be inverted
  • Small changes in input lead to major changes in hash
  • Deterministic - same input yields same hash

SHA is used for applications like data integrity verification, digital signatures, and password storage.

Overview of AES Encryption

AES or Advanced Encryption Standard is a symmetric key algorithm standardized by NIST for encrypting and protecting electronic data. The AES standard defines three key sizes:

  • AES-128: 128 bit key length
  • AES-192: 192 bit key length
  • AES-256: 256 bit key length

AES uses a secret key along with the plaintext as input to the cipher algorithm and generates ciphertext as output. The same key is used for both encryption and decryption. Main features of AES include:

  • Symmetric key algorithm - single private key
  • Block cipher mode of operation on fixed block size
  • Very high security against brute force attacks
  • Fast and efficient encryption and decryption
  • Wide adoption for securing data at rest and in transit

AES is ubiquitous for protecting sensitive data, communications, and critical infrastructure.

Differences Between SHA and AES

Though both SHA and AES are widely used encryption standards, they differ significantly in their design and purpose:

  • Purpose: SHA is for generating hash signatures while AES encrypts and decrypts data.
  • Key usage: SHA does not use keys while AES relies on secret keys.
  • Structure: SHA is iterative hash function, AES is symmetric block cipher.
  • Operation: SHA is one-way, AES supports two-way encryption.
  • Security: SHA provides data integrity, AES provides confidentiality.
  • Speed: AES is faster than SHA for typical uses.
  • Output: SHA outputs fixed length hash, AES outputs ciphertext of same size as plaintext.

Comparison Between SHA and AES

Stands forSecure Hash AlgorithmAdvanced Encryption Standard
PurposeHashing for integrityEncryption for confidentiality
TypeCryptographic hash functionSymmetric key algorithm
Key usageNo keysSecret keys for enc/dec
Main featuresCollision resistance, one-way natureHigh security, efficient encryption
OutputFixed length hashCiphertext of same size as plaintext
Use casesDigital signatures, password storageData security, communications
VulnerabilitiesSHA-1 collisions foundVery resistant to attacks


In summary, SHA and AES represent two important branches of cryptography - hashing and symmetric key encryption.

SHA is ideal where cryptographic integrity and one-way nature are required rather than secrecy, like verifying password hashes. AES provides standard strong symmetric encryption for keeping data private and secure.

Understanding the core differences allows selecting the right algorithm for specific security needs, whether it is generating irreversible hashes using SHA or encrypting data confidentially via AES. Using the appropriate cryptographic primitives in the right context is crucial for building robust security architectures.