What's the most known/popular hashing algorithm?

Compares popular hashing algorithms like MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, bcrypt and scrypt. It explains SHA-256 is currently the most widely used secure algorithm.
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What's the most known/popular hashing algorithm?


SHA-256 is regarded as the most popular secure hashing algorithm today owing to its cryptographic strength, performance, and widespread adoption in technologies like blockchain.


Hashing algorithms play a vital role in cryptography and computer security. They take an arbitrary amount of input data and generate a fixed-size output called a hash value. Choosing a well-known and widely used hashing algorithm provides better security due to public analysis and broad adoption. This article provides an overview of popular hashing algorithms, comparing their relative security, performance, and prevalence.

Hashing Algorithm Basics

A hashing algorithm consists of a cryptographic hash function that maps data of any size to a short, fixed-length hash value. Some key features are:

  • Deterministic - Same input always produces the same hash output

  • Fast computation - Hashing can be performed quickly even for large inputs

  • One-way function - Infeasible to reconstruct input from hash

  • Change sensitivity - Small changes in input lead to very different hashes

These properties allow hashing algorithms to be used for data integrity checks, digital signatures, password storage and more.

Criteria for Popularity

Some criteria that make a hashing algorithm popular:

  • Level of cryptographic security against known attacks
  • Computational efficiency and performance
  • Standardization and adoption across many applications
  • Open design that enables analysis by experts
  • Longevity and proven reliability over time
  • Quality of implementation across platforms and languages

Some well-known hashing algorithms include:

We’ll focus on MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 due their widespread use and importance.


Introduced in 1991, MD5 was one of the early popular hashing algorithms. It generates a 128-bit hash value.

However, cryptographic weaknesses in MD5 have been found over the years. Collisions can be deliberately created where two inputs yield the same MD5 hash.

Thus MD5 is no longer considered secure for sensitive data. But it still sees use for non-cryptographic checksum purposes.

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Designed by the NSA, SHA-1 yields a 160-bit hash. It is based on similar principles as MD5 but uses a stronger algorithm resistant to known MD5 weaknesses.

SHA-1 has been extensively deployed in a wide range of applications including SSL certificates, version control systems, and blockchain. However, theoretical vulnerabilities identified in SHA-1 has led to its deprecation in favor of SHA-2 and SHA-3 algorithms.

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Part of the SHA-2 family, SHA-256 produces a longer 256-bit hash. It incorporates security enhancements to resolve vulnerabilities with SHA-1.

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SHA-256 is currently one of the most widely used secure hashing algorithms. It is considered highly resilient against brute force collisions and cryptanalytic attacks.

SHA-256 sees major use in cryptography applications like Bitcoin, TLS/SSL, PGP, and digital signatures.

 1import hashlib
 3input_str = "IToolkit"
 5# Calculate MD5 hash
 6result = hashlib.md5(input_str.encode())
 7print("MD5 hash:", result.hexdigest())
 9# Calculate SHA1 hash
10result = hashlib.sha1(input_str.encode())
11print("SHA1 hash:", result.hexdigest())
13# Calculate SHA256 hash
14result = hashlib.sha256(input_str.encode())
15print("SHA256 hash:", result.hexdigest())

This code snippet calculates different hash digests for the input string “IToolkit” using popular algorithms.


SHA-256 is currently the most widely used and secure general purpose hashing algorithm owing to its cryptographic strength and adoption in many technologies. For password hashing, algorithms like bcrypt and scrypt specifically designed to protect against brute force attacks are recommended.

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