When Will Future Computers Crack SHA-256?

Exploring the future of computer processing power and its potential impact on cracking SHA-256 algorithm in cryptography.
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When Will Future Computers Crack SHA-256?


Exploring the future of computer processing power and its potential impact on cracking the SHA-256 algorithm in cryptography. This blog post discusses the complexities of SHA-256, advancements in computer processing power, and potential future technologies that may affect the timeline for cracking SHA-256. It also examines the challenges in cracking SHA-256 and the measures in place to protect it.


SHA-256 is a cryptographic hash function that plays a vital role in securing sensitive data and communications online. It generates a 256-bit signature for any input that is practically impossible to reverse. As computing power increases exponentially, a key question arises - when will future computers be able to crack SHA-256 encryption? In this post, we’ll examine the SHA-256 algorithm, assess the processing power required to break it, and speculate on when and how future technological breakthroughs could impact its security.

What is SHA-256?

SHA-256 was designed by the NSA and is used extensively today for cryptography and data integrity verification. It takes an input message of any size and generates a 256-bit hash value that cannot be inverted to retrieve the original input. Even the smallest change in input message produces a completely different hash.

SHA-256 relies on fundamental cryptographic techniques like bitwise operations, modular addition, and message padding. Combined with its 256-bit output, this makes SHA-256 resilient against brute force attacks with current technology.

It is implemented in Bitcoin mining, verifying data integrity, digital signatures, authentication, and many other security applications. The strength of SHA-256 is crucial for protecting sensitive information like passwords, communications, and financial data.

Current State of Computer Processing Power

Computing power has advanced tremendously over the past decades. Compared to early electronic computers, today’s supercomputers can process data up to a quadrillion times faster. The introduction of parallel computing, sophisticated algorithms, and specialized hardware has revolutionized processing capabilities.

Quantum computing is an emerging paradigm that promises even greater exponential leaps in computing power by utilizing quantum mechanical phenomena. D-Wave’s quantum annealer can already perform certain optimizations millions of times faster than regular computers.

However, we are still far from building universal, large-scale quantum computers that could practically crack cryptographic hash functions. Our most powerful supercomputers today would still require thousands of years to brute force SHA-256 encryption.

Difficulty of Cracking SHA-256

SHA-256 is designed to be resilient against brute force attacks even with extraordinary computing power. With 2^256 possible hash values, trying all combinations is infeasible with current technology.

To put that in perspective, if all 7.5 billion people on Earth had 100 computers testing 1 trillion hashes per second, it would still take 77 septillion years to test all possibilities - longer than the age of the observable universe!

The fundamental cryptographic principles behind SHA-256 ensure this level of security. To crack it within a reasonable timeframe would require inconceivable processing capabilities.

Projected Advancements in Computer Processing Power

Moore’s Law predicts that computer processing power doubles about every two years. If this trend continues, SHA-256 hardware security margins could be impacted in the next couple of decades.

Emerging technologies like quantum computing, optical computing, AI-optimized hardware, and molecular computing hold potential to vastly accelerate processing capabilities once mature. If commercially viable, they could possess enough power to eventually crack SHA-256 encryption.

Some experts estimate this threshold could be reached by 2040-2050 as quantum computing matures. Others are more conservative, predicting this to be unlikely until late this century if ever. But there remains much uncertainty about the development trajectory.

Challenges in Cracking SHA-256

There are significant technical challenges to overcome before quantum or other exotic computers possess enough stable qubits and error correction to run Shor’s algorithm against 256-bit keys. Architectural constraints and decoherence effects limit the practical qubit count and circuit depth.

Cryptanalysis research also continues developing new ciphers and protocols like post-quantum cryptography to maintain security of communications. Advances in quantum-resistant algorithms, encryption techniques, and infrastructure may outweigh raw computing brute force.

Integration and standardization of these technologies could occur quickly enough to safeguard sensitive data before such processing capabilities emerge. This cryptographic agility adds resilience against future attacks on SHA-256.


Predicting the timeline for SHA-256 encryption to be broken is speculative, with estimates ranging from 20-30 years to over a century into the future. Despite exponential gains in computing power, overcoming the physical and technical barriers to cracking 256-bit hashes remains challenging.

Upgrading encryption protocols and agile adoption of quantum-resistant standards as computing capabilities evolve will determine the lifespan of SHA-256. With prudent preparation, robust data security can persist even against inconceivable processing power on the horizon. For now, and for the foreseeable future, SHA-256 remains highly resilient against brute force attacks.