Where do the beginning of most SHA hashes fall?

Explore the probability distribution of the beginning bits in SHA hashes and understand its implications in cryptography and security measures.
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Where do the beginning of most SHA hashes fall?


Discover the non-uniform distribution of the beginning bits in SHA hashes and its impact on security measures and cryptographic algorithms.


SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) hashes are an essential part of modern cryptography. They are used to represent data of arbitrary size as a fixed-length string. This allows for easy comparisons between hashes to check if two sets of data are identical.

Understanding the distribution of bits, especially at the start of SHA hashes, is crucial. It provides insights into potential weaknesses and guides the design of more robust hashing algorithms. This blog post will explain what SHA hashes are, how they are generated, analyze the probability distribution of initial bits, discuss the practical implications, and the factors influencing this distribution.

Overview of SHA Hashes

SHA hashes are calculated using cryptographic hash functions. They take an input message of any length and output a fixed length digest. For instance, SHA-256 will always output a 256-bit (32-byte) hash.

Some common uses of SHA hashes include:

  • Verifying file integrity - The hash of a file acts like a fingerprint. If the hash changes, it indicates the file is modified.
  • Password storage - Passwords are hashed and the hashes stored instead of plain text passwords.
  • Digital signatures - Hashes of data are encrypted with private keys to prove authenticity.

The initial bits of a SHA hash are very important for security. Even small statistical biases in the distribution can be exploited in hash-based cryptographic schemes.

How SHA Hashes are Calculated

SHA hash functions sequentially process fixed-size blocks of input data. The input message is padded to align with block boundaries.

For each block, the hash function performs multiple rounds of hashing and mixing operations. Final output concatenates hashes from each block.

The latest SHA-3 algorithm uses a sponge construction for mixing. Older algorithms like SHA-1 and SHA-256 use Merkle–Damgård constructions.

The key point is small changes in input lead to drastic changes in output hash. But there are some non-uniformity and statistical biases based on how the blocks are processed.

 1import hashlib
 3input_str = "IToolkit"
 5# Calculate SHA-1 hash
 6result_sha1 = hashlib.sha1(input_str.encode())
 7print("SHA-1 Hash:", result_sha1.hexdigest())
 9# Calculate SHA-256 hash
10result_sha256 = hashlib.sha256(input_str.encode())
11print("SHA-256 Hash:", result_sha256.hexdigest())

This code snippet calculates SHA-1 and SHA-256 hashes for the sample input string “IToolkit”.

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Probability Distribution of the Beginning Bits

Although SHA hashes appear random, studies have shown the initial bits are not uniformly distributed. There is a slight skew in probabilities.

For instance, in SHA-1 hashes, the probability of 0 as the first bit is around 60%, while 1 appears only 40% of the time.

In SHA-256 hashes, 0 has roughly 54% probability vs 46% for 1 as the first bit. The bias reduces steadily for subsequent bits.

This happens because input messages are padded and processed in fixed blocks. The mixing functions also introduce slight correlations.

While the biases are small, over large number of hashes they can have security implications.

Practical Implications

The non-uniformity in initial hash bits, even though slight, can be exploited to mount attacks.

For instance, in hash-based message authentication codes (HMAC), an adversary can forge signatures without knowing the secret key. Multi-target attacks on blockchain proof-of-work puzzles also utilize such biases.

Moreover, hash tables used in data structures rely on uniformity of hashes to avoid collisions. The skewed distribution of initial SHA hash bits reduces security and performance.

When designing cryptographic systems based on hashing, the probability distribution of initial bits must be considered and countermeasures implemented.

Factors Influencing the Distribution

Several factors account for the biases in distribution of initial SHA hash bits:

  • Padding scheme - SHA padding ensures the total input bits are a multiple of 512. Padding bits are deterministic and not random, leading to biases.

  • Message content - Real-world data has statistical properties. English text has more zeros than ones in ASCII encoding. Such input patterns skew hashes.

  • Internal mixing - The fixed rotate and shift bit operations in SHA algorithms produce slight correlations in output bits over multiple blocks.

  • Digest size - Larger digest sizes exhibit decreasing bias. SHA-512 is more uniform than SHA-256 or SHA-1.

Overall, the input data and the hash algorithm design contribute to the non-uniformity in initial hash bits.


In summary, SHA hashes are pivotal in modern cryptography but have a non-uniform probability distribution of initial bits. This results from input data patterns and algorithmic properties.

The biases are slight but have significant security and performance implications. When using SHA hashes for cryptography, the distribution of initial bits merits special attention.

Future hash functions can strive for better uniformity. But some amount of bias will always persist owing to physical limitations. Understanding this distribution allows systems to be designed more robustly.