Why do collisions occur in hashing?

Hash collisions arise from factors like weak functions, limited hash ranges, and large data sizes. Chaining and cryptographic hashes help minimize collisions.
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Why do collisions occur in hashing?


Hash collisions arise due to factors like weak functions, limited hash ranges, and large data sizes. Techniques like chaining and cryptographic hashes help minimize collisions.


Hashing is a technique used in many areas of computing to map data of arbitrary size to fixed-size values called hashes. It is used extensively in data storage and retrieval applications.

A hash function takes input data and generates a hash value. While hashing provides fast data lookup, it can suffer from collisions. Collisions refer to different input data generating the same hash output. This undermines the utility of hashing.

This article provides an overview of why collisions occur during hashing. We explore the factors that contribute to collisions and different methods to mitigate them. Understanding collisions is crucial for effective use of hashing.

Understanding Hashing

Hashing is used for tasks like storing passwords, looking up database records, fingerprinting data, and data structures like hash tables. A good hash function satisfies properties like fast computation, uniform distribution, and less collisions.

In a typical usage, the input data is processed by a hash function to generate a hash value within a fixed range (say 0 to 15). This hash is then used as an index to store or lookup the data in a hash table array. Hashes enable direct access without comparing every data element.

However, different inputs can sometimes produce the same hash value, leading to a collision. This causes issues with distinguishing the data during lookup. Managing collisions is therefore an important aspect of hashing.

Factors That Cause Collisions

There are three main factors that contribute to collisions in hashing:

1. Hash Function

The design of the hash function plays a key role in potential collisions. A function that uniformly distributes hashes minimizes clustering and repetitions. Weak hash functions increase collisions. For example, a function that just extracts a subset of bits from the input would have more collisions than a cryptographic hash like SHA-256.

2. Limited Hash Value Range

Most hash functions produce hashes within a fixed range of possible values. For example, a function may return hashes between 0-255. This relatively small set of possible hashes increases chances of random collisions even with good distributions. Having a sufficiently large output range reduces collisions.

3. Input Data Size

As the amount of input data increases, the likelihood of collisions also increases. With more data entries mapped to a fixed hash range, collisions become inevitable. Therefore, larger datasets require stronger hashing to minimize collisions.

Impact of Collisions

Collisions degrade the utility of hash tables and other hash-based data structures. Specific impacts include:

  • Lookup errors if collided entries overwrite or displace actual value

  • Decrease in number of usable hash values due to clustering

  • Loss of data integrity if malicious collisions cause misinformation

  • Denial of service attacks using deliberately engineered collisions

Too many collisions hamper performance and can make applications unusable. Malicious collisions also pose security risks.

Techniques to Mitigate Collisions

Here are some common techniques used to handle collisions while hashing:

1. Separate Chaining

Separate chaining uses linked lists to handle collision. Entries that hash to the same value are stored as a linked list at that index. This allows storage of all entries despite collisions. Lookups may be slower due to traversal.

2. Open Addressing

Open addressing techniques use sequential probing to find the next vacant slot in case of collision rather than chaining. Linear probing, quadratic probing, and double hashing are examples of open addressing strategies. Load factors need to be monitored to avoid clustering.

Cryptographic hashes like SHA-256 minimize trivial collisions. For large datasets, techniques like Bloom Filters leverage multiple hash functions to lower collisions. Overall, when using hashing, selecting the right hash techniques based on data size and use cases is important to manage collisions.


Collisions during hashing occur due to factors like hash function design, limited output range, and large input datasets. Too many collisions degrade the performance of applications relying on hashing for fast data access.

Understanding how collisions arise is helpful for selecting optimal hashing schemes. By combining good hash functions, sufficient hash value ranges, and collision mitigation techniques like separate chaining, the adverse impacts of collisions can be minimized in hash-based systems.