Why is it impossible to un-hash a hashed value?

Learn why it is impossible to un-hash a hashed value and the importance of choosing strong hashing algorithms for data security.
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Why is it impossible to un-hash a hashed value?


Explore the concept of irreversibility in hashing and the challenges in reversing a hash. Discover the role of salts in hash security and the tools and techniques used in hash cracking.

Hashing plays a fundamental role in modern computer security. But what makes hashes so resilient that reversing them is considered practically impossible? This post dives into the mathematical properties and complexity behind one-way hash functions that cement their Cryptographic strength.


Hashing refers to the process of converting an input like a password or file into a fixed-size hash value that acts as a fingerprint. A key attribute of cryptographic hashes is irreversibility – the inability to recover the original input from the hash. This one-way nature is what makes hashes ideal for security.

What is Hashing?

Hashing works by taking data of any size like strings, files etc. and applying mathematical operations to generate a unique fixed-length digest. Common hash algorithms are MD5, SHA256, BLAKE3 etc.

The same input always gives the same hash while different inputs produce different hashes. Even tiny changes in the input lead to vastly different hashes.

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Benefits of Hashing

Key advantages of cryptographic hashes:

  • Verify data integrity by comparing hash values
  • Securely store passwords by hashing instead of plaintext
  • Retrieve data quickly via hash tables
  • Provide proof of contents via digital signatures

The Concept of Irreversibility

Hashing is intentionally designed to be a one-way process. The hash function contains no direct steps to reconstruct the original input.

Mathematically, hashes utilize compression functions that squash data down into digests. There is no corresponding decompression function that expands hashes back into the source data.

No Two Hashes are the Same

Cryptographic hash algorithms are engineered to minimize collisions - different inputs yielding the same hash. While collisions are inevitable due to the pigeonhole principle, good hashes strive to minimize this.

Hash digest length also determines the possible number of unique values. A 256-bit hash provides 2^256 possible values that are impossible to fully enumerate.

Challenges in Reversing a Hash

Trying to reverse a hash essentially involves guessing inputs until the target hash is matched. However, the input space is massive requiring infeasible computational resources:

  • Input types are infinite - text, numbers, media, binaries etc.

  • Each input itself has near-infinite permutations.

  • Hashes have no direct mathematical pathway to the source.

Hash Cracking Techniques

Attackers employ techniques like:

  • Brute force - guessing all possible inputs systematically.

  • Dictionaries - trying common passwords and phrases.

  • Rainbow tables - pre-computed hashes for common inputs.

But these have very low success rates against modern cryptographic hashes due to their complexity.

The Role of Salts in Security

Salts defeat precomputation attacks by adding randomness to each hash. This requires building separate rainbow tables for every possible salt, making reversing unscalable.

Peppering hashes by appending secret keys further frustrates cracking attempts.


In summary, cryptographic hashes are designed to be impossible to invert with today’s technology. Their one-way nature combined with computational complexity and randomness makes un-hashing infeasible. While weaknesses occasionally emerge, using the latest hash algorithms, proper salts and optimal security practices ensures hashes remain impervious for the foreseeable future.