Why isn't CRC used as a hashfunction?

CRC is not optimal as a hash function compared to algorithms like MD5 and SHA due to limitations in uniformity, determinism, and collision resistance.
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Why isn't CRC used as a hashfunction?


Despite CRC’s effectiveness in error detection, it is unsuitable as a hash function because of poor uniformity, determinism issues, and higher collision vulnerability.


Hash functions are essential in many areas of computer science for mapping data to fixed-size values. On the other hand, Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is commonly used for detecting accidental errors in data transmission and storage. Despite the widespread use of CRC in error checking, it is not well suited as a cryptographic hash function.

This article will provide an overview of CRC and its properties, discuss the requirements of hash functions, and explain the key limitations that prevent using CRC effectively as a hash algorithm.

Understanding CRC§

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is a common technique for detecting accidental changes to raw data. It works by calculating a checksum value from the original data and appending it to the message.

The receiver then recomputes the CRC checksum and compares it to the received value to verify data integrity and accuracy. If the checksums do not match, it indicates the data was corrupted or altered in transmission.

Some advantages of CRC are efficient computation, ease of implementation in hardware and software, and high effectiveness in detecting common errors.

Hash Functions and Their Requirements§

A hash function converts an input into a short fixed-size hash value in a one-way process. Hash functions have extensive uses in computer science, such as:

  • Cryptography - For password storage and data integrity
  • Indexing data - Efficient lookups and retrieval
  • Fingerprinting - Uniquely identify files and data

Key requirements of a cryptographically secure hash function:

  • Uniformity - Outputs appear uniformly distributed
  • Determinism - Same input gives same hash output
  • Collision resistance - Difficult to find inputs with same hash

Limitations of CRC as a Hash Function§

Although CRC is great for error detection, it has some drawbacks that make it a poor choice as a cryptographic hash function:

Lack of Uniformity

CRC results in similar checksums for similar messages. This leads to non-uniformity and clustering unlike random hash function outputs.

Determinism Issues

The CRC checksum is solely determined by the input data. This makes it more predictable and vulnerable to intentional tampering.

Collision Vulnerability

The shorter checksum length, usually 16 or 32 bits, leads to higher chances of collisions for different inputs. This increases attack vectors.

Alternatives to CRC for Hashing§

Some widely used hash functions that overcome the limitations of CRC are:


Produces a 128-bit hash value and is designed for speed and uniformity.


Generates a 160-bit hash with good collision resistance and security.


SHA-256 outputs a longer 256-bit hash for enhanced security against brute force attacks.

These hash functions are designed to provide good avalanche effect, one-way operation, uniform outputs, and collision resistance for cryptography and data applications.


In summary, despite the reliability of CRC for error detection, it does not satisfy important properties required of a cryptographic hash function. The poor uniformity, predictable outputs, and higher collision chances make CRC unsuitable for hashing.

Using dedicated hash algorithms like MD5, SHA-1, and SHA-256 that are engineered for good avalanche effect, brute force resistance, and uniformity is essential for security. Understanding the limitations of CRC highlights the importance of using appropriate hash functions based on the application needs.

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