Resolving ImportError: cannot import name force_text from django.utils.encoding

Learn how to fix the Django error ImportError: cannot import name force_text from django.utils.encoding by updating Django, packages, import statements or temporarily downgrading Django.
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Resolving ImportError: cannot import name force_text from django.utils.encoding

When working with Django, you may encounter the error “ImportError: cannot import name ‘force_text’ from ‘django.utils.encoding’”. This happens when there is an issue importing the force_text method from django.utils.encoding. force_text is used to convert input data to a consistent string format.

In this article, we’ll look at when this error occurs and how to fix it.

When Does This Error Occur?

There are two main causes for the force_text import error:

Using an Older Version of Django

In Django 4.0, force_text was removed and replaced with force_str. So if you are using Django 4.0 or higher, importing force_text will result in an error.

1from django.utils.encoding import force_text # Error in Django 4.0

To fix this, you need to update to the latest Django version.

Outdated Packages or Libraries

Many Django-related packages still use force_text in their code. If you have an outdated version of packages like Graphene, Django REST Framework, etc., it can cause this import error.


There are a few ways to solve the force_text import error:

1. Update Django Version

First, check your Django version:

1python -m django --version

If it is 4.0 or higher, you need to update your import statements to use force_str instead of force_text:

1from django.utils.encoding import force_str

To update Django, run:

1pip install -U django

This will install the latest Django version.

2. Update Packages

Run pip install to update any outdated packages:

1pip install -U graphene djangorestframework django-filter

This will update them to the latest versions that work with Django 4.0.

3. Modify Import Statements

In your code, change any imports like:

1from django.utils.encoding import force_text


1from django.utils.encoding import force_str

And change uses of force_text to force_str.

4. Temporary Workaround - Downgrade Django

If you are not ready to fully migrate to Django 4.0, you can downgrade as a temporary workaround:

1pip install 'django<4' --force-reinstall

This will install the latest Django 3.x version where force_text still works.


The force_text import error occurs due to outdated Django versions or packages. The best long-term fix is to update to Django 4.0 and replace force_text with force_str. Make sure to also update any related packages.

Downgrading Django can get your application working again quickly, but is only a temporary solution until you can fully migrate to Django 4.0. Keeping Django and dependencies updated is always recommended to avoid issues like this.