HTML Decode

Encoded HTML
Decoded Text

HTML Decode Tool Manual


HTML encoding is a process where characters in the code are replaced with HTML entities. These characters are not displayed by the browser, and they can cause issues when you want to display them as text. HTML Decode is an online tool that can help you decode, or convert, these characters back to their original form. This tool is free, online, and secure. In this manual, we will introduce you to the HTML Decode tool and teach you how to use it.


The HTML Decode tool has several features that make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to decode HTML entities. These features include:

  • Online and free, with no system or software dependencies.
  • Can clear, copy, and has a sample.
  • Data security, with local computing.

How to Use the Tool

To use the HTML Decode tool, follow these steps:

  1. Input the Encoded HTML - Copy the HTML code that has been encoded, and paste it into the input box.
  2. Click the Decode Button - Click on the "Decode" button to convert the HTML entities back to their original characters.
  3. Click the Encode Button - Click on the "Encode" button to convert the characters into HTML entities.
  4. Copy or Click Copy Button - Once you have decoded or encoded your HTML, click on the "Copy" button to copy your code to the clipboard.

Benefits and Advantages

The HTML Decode tool has several benefits and advantages that make it an excellent option for decoding HTML entities. These include:

  • Fast and efficient - The tool is online and allows you to decode HTML entities quickly and efficiently.
  • Free and easy to use - The tool is free, making it accessible to anyone who needs to use it. Additionally, it is easy to use, even for those who have little experience with HTML coding.
  • Secure - The HTML Decode tool operates locally, ensuring that your data is secure and not shared with third parties.

Code Examples

To help you understand how the HTML Decode tool works, we have provided code examples in several programming languages.


Use the html module:

import html

encoded_html = "<p>Hello World!</p>"
decoded_html = html.unescape(encoded_html)



using System.Web;

string encodedHtml = "<p>Hello World!</p>";
string decodedHtml = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(encodedHtml);



PHP provides html_entity_decode():

$encoded_html = "<p>Hello World!</p>";
$decoded_html = html_entity_decode($encoded_html);

echo $decoded_html;


import org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils;

String encodedHtml = "<p>Hello World!</p>";
String decodedHtml = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(encodedHtml);



JavaScript has decodeURIComponent():

var encodedHtml = "<p>Hello World!</p>";
var decodedHtml = decodeURIComponent(
  encodedHtml.replace(/&amp;/g, "&").replace(/&lt;/g, "<").replace(/&gt;/g, ">")



HTML Decode is an excellent tool for anyone who needs to decode HTML entities quickly and efficiently. With its online and free platform, you can decode HTML entities safely and securely. The HTML Decode tool is user-friendly and does not require any system or software dependencies. By following our step-by-step manual and code examples, you can learn how to use the tool and decode HTML entities in no time.

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