Octal to Hex

Octal Input
Hexadecimal Output

Octal to Hex Converter: Online and Free


Octal to Hex converter is a tool designed to convert octal numbers to hexadecimal numbers. The tool is online and free, meaning you do not need to install any software or have any system dependencies to use it. Octal to Hex converter provides a fast and user-friendly way of converting octal numbers to hex, making it easy for you to work with computer systems and programming.

Benefits and Advantages

The Octal to Hex converter has several benefits and advantages over other octal to hex conversion tools. Some of these benefits include:

  • It is online and free, meaning you can access it from anywhere and at any time.
  • It is fast and easy to use, with no complicated steps or procedures.
  • It is secure and provides local computing, ensuring that your data is safe.
  • It can clear and copy data, making it easy for you to move data from one place to another.
  • It has sample data, giving you an idea of how to use the tool.

Core Algorithm

To convert an octal number to hex, you need to first convert the octal number to binary and then convert the binary number to hexadecimal. The formula for converting an octal number to binary is:

Octal Number = (2^2 _ a) + (2^1 _ b) + (2^0 * c)

Where a, b, and c represent the digits of the octal number. Once you have the binary number, you can then use the formula for converting binary to hexadecimal, which is as follows:

Binary Number = (2^3 _ a) + (2^2 _ b) + (2^1 _ c) + (2^0 _ d)

Where a, b, c, and d represent the digits of the binary number.

How to Use the Octal to Hex Converter

  1. Input or paste your octal number in the input field provided.
  2. Click on the "Convert" button. The tool will automatically convert the octal number to hexadecimal.
  3. Click on the "Copy" button if you want to copy the hexadecimal number to your clipboard.
  4. Click on the "Clear" button if you want to clear the input field and start over.

Example Codes for Octal to Hex Conversion


## Octal to Hex conversion in Python

octal_num = "1234567"

## Convert octal to binary
binary_num = bin(int(octal_num, 8))

## Convert binary to hexadecimal
hex_num = hex(int(binary_num, 2))



// Octal to Hex conversion in C

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    char octal_num[] = "1234567";
    char *endptr;

    // Convert octal to binary
    long int binary_num = strtol(octal_num, &endptr, 8);

    // Convert binary to hexadecimal
    char hex_num[20];
    sprintf(hex_num, "%lX", binary_num);

    printf("%s\n", hex_num);

    return 0;


// Octal to Hex conversion in JavaScript

let octal_num = "1234567";

// Convert octal to binary
let binary_num = parseInt(octal_num, 8).toString(2);

// Convert binary to hexadecimal
let hex_num = parseInt(binary_num, 2).toString(16);



// Octal to Hex conversion in Java

public class OctalToHex {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String octal_num = "1234567";

        // Convert octal to binary
        int binary_num = Integer.parseInt(octal_num, 8);

        // Convert binary to hexadecimal
        String hex_num = Integer.toString(binary_num, 16);



// Octal to Hex conversion in PHP

$octal_num = "1234567";

// Convert octal to binary
$binary_num = decbin(octdec($octal_num));

// Convert binary to hexadecimal
$hex_num = dechex(bindec($binary_num));

echo $hex_num;


The Octal to Hex converter is a user-friendly tool that helps you to convert octal numbers to hexadecimal numbers. The tool is online and free, making it easily accessible to anyone. It is fast, secure and provides local computing, making it ideal for working with computer systems and programming. With the core algorithm and steps outlined in this manual, you can easily convert octal numbers to hexadecimal in different programming languages.

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